« Other news in 2011

What is happening in our world?

Happily we reckon we’re working on more shows than ever before and during this packed schedule, as well as running our ongoing equipment maintenance programme, we are working with the Southbank Centre’s technical team on their inventory and maintenance checks and updates. Looking to the future: we mentioned in our last newsletter that we’ve been lucky enough to secure premises right next to the Olympic Park in London. With the impact of additional visitors to London that could make moving around the capital extremely challenging, this will be an important and exciting place to be during 2012. Are you moving this year?

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Want to find out what we've been up to in the past - click on the years below for more info:

2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2017

Whatever the scale of your project we'd like to help. Please contact us on Tel: 020 7593 0011